Who is this guy?
Sometimes I ask myself the same question, but typically I call myself a filmmaker (writer/director/producer) and an educator. I love the “losers” of society, and strive to create films that highlight their stories in unique ways.
I love how cinema offers an escape from everyday life, and am always looking for new ways to create cinemagic (I thought I created that word until I discovered that it’s a NH movie theater chain, bummer).
I’m the owner of Lunchbox Films, a film and commercial production company. If you have a business looking for a video, let me know!
I was also a co-founder and director at Pathos Pictures, a New England based documentary production company with a mission to facilitate understanding between people and contribute to positively impact the health of our planet.
“Let’s make cinemagic!”
I Produce films!
I used to just consider myself a director, but over the past 2 years or so, I’ve had the awesome opportunity to produce various short and feature films for other directors!
Our most recent film, Mean Spirited (directed by Jeff Ryan), is making its world premiere this fall at Fright Fest in the UK!
Here’s my most recent film
There is something utterly captivating about the mundane experiences of life. With this film, I strived to capture how the seemingly mundane experience of couponing can grow into something much larger.
Although this entire film takes place in the confines of a small apartment, we chose to shoot this film on an anamorphic lens to highlight the vacancy of the character’s world.
“An absent father flips through a coupon book, hoping to find his daughter’s favorite snack and restart a lost relationship.”
Here’s a larger film I made
I love how cinema transports you to cities of the past, countries across the globe, or even galaxies far, far away. I specifically love how early cinema transports you into the past, and wraps you in a warm blanket.
This film is my attempt at capturing that feeling, with the hope that viewers will feel the feelings I feel when I watch Chaplin, Fred Astaire, or even Pixar!
“An innocent alien crash lands on Earth, bringing sound to a silent world.”
behind the scenes
Teaching is in my DNA. Nearly everyone in my family teaches. In fact, for the first few years out of college, I taught middle school… and I LOVED IT!
I still love to teach, but now I want to take what I’ve learned making movies, and let a younger generation learn from my mistakes.
I strive to create educational material about making movies that I wish existed when I was a kid.
Recently, I taught an online webinar on how I made my senior thesis film.
Here’s anoher film I made
Growing up, I lived in my head. Imagination was my entertainment as school dragged on and on. I wanted to capture that feeling of when your imagination gets out of hand, or even puts you in a pickle.
I said it already, but I love to tell stories about the “losers” of society, the broken, outcast, or lonely.
In Champion!, Derek represents the loser in all of us.
“Derek is stuck in detention with the girl of his dreams, the bully of his nightmares, and his very REAL toy action figure.”
Behind the Scenes
Have you ever wondered how the script for a film compares to the final edit?
Watch my behind the scenes for “Champion!” here!
I’m also an online educator
I started Mr. Queso’s Classroom after teaching middle school science for a few years and being unsatisfied with the quality of educational content geared towards upper elementary and middle school students.
I knew that with my film production skills, teaching experience, and theatre background, I could create engaging and well taught videos for kids.